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Hello and welcome to my site. In here you will find a large collection of nature related photos predominantly as well as my original artwork. I have lived in beautiful Western Australia my whole life, born and bred. I’ve never been a huge fan of city life as I’ve never been inspired by areas that look and feel like most others. I prefer to stay away from polluted and populated areas and this made me enjoy the natural environment more. Wildlife and nature is such an inspiration to me... clean air, natural ambient noise and open space to get away from the stress of everyday life.

I haven’t travelled abroad much in my life so I haven’t seen a lot of what the world has to offer in the form of photography subjects, so when I first travelled to Singapore I discovered a very diverse wonderland of nature existing within a large cityscape. The first time in Singapore was when I got my first DSLR camera and it changed my life path forever. I finally discovered my purpose in life and the reason to exist. My general work background is in the fossil fuel industry, the opposite of what I now represent. It's ironic though, without the fossil fuel industry, that is responsible for killing the planet, I wouldn't be able to travel, nor would I have a camera to take photos, or a laptop to process them on. I'm very aware of my surroundings while out in the field and have always been taught to leave areas as you discover them. Nature should never be disturbed as everybody has the same right to see it in its natural state.


It wasn’t until my late 20’s I was given a sketch pad and a set of pencils, I had no idea where to start. The last time I drew anything was in high school, and even then I had no creativity. I did have a talent for rendering shapes that I drew in my Technical Drawing classes, although at the time I had no thoughts of ever becoming an artist. I did at one stage think about becoming an architect, but I was and still am useless at math, and knowing that I needed decent math skills scared me off following a dream. I wasn’t that creative and I wasn’t motivated enough to further study after I finished high school so I didn’t. I am a very patient person by nature and you can see that from some of my drawings, most of my drawings have taken many, many hours to complete. I find drawing very therapeutic, and after a hard day of working an office job, I would come home, sit down on my dining table, put on some music and let the pen or pencil go crazy. I don't draw very much now days due to focusing more on my photography projects such as the Lightscapes, Vignettes and Mirrorscapes. I'm finding I get more pleasure than pain from photography than drawing. Like anything in life, the path you take has an unknown ending and we make it up as we go and we let the creativity guide us through the path of least resistance.


Painting portraits, landscapes or anything that resembles a recognizable object has never been a strength of mine. This is something I really want to work on some time in the future. I have enjoyed creating splatter paintings as it's fun to fling paint around.


My photography skills are still in the early stages of progression, but photography is something I absolutely love. If you ask any professional photographer they will tell you they are still learning new methods and styles. It's one thing to learn how to use a camera but it's another thing to learn how to take creative photos. Photography is not only a passionate hobby of mine but I’m working extremely hard to make it a living. The first time I picked up a camera was high school. I learned to first shoot and develop black and white film in the dark room. I instantly fell in love with the process of finding a subject to photograph and anticipate the end result after physically developing film to create a physical picture. Fast forward to the digital age and photography is a lot easier and now with amazing DSLR cameras and very smart computer software to create visual masterpieces. With having all the high end tech now at our finger tips, taking a great picture still take manual effort. It takes practice, perseverance and experience to create your own style. A single flower can be photographed in a thousand different ways but not all will look great to everybody.


If there's any advice I can give people regarding following an art dream, it's to create art that you personally enjoy. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be mainstream and it doesn't have to be enjoyed by everybody. Whether you're thinking of starting, currently improving your skills or you're already a professional artist, keep doing what your doing and be happy with what you're doing. Enjoy the creative process, the clearer your head becomes the easier your ideas will flow. Creating art shouldn't be stressful, it should be fun and enjoyable. The internet is a fantastic resource too to gather ideas but if it's already been done make sure to do it better. If what you have is a niche style then continue with it as niche will stand out. No matter what we do in life there will always be lovers and haters... listen to the lovers and ignore the haters!

Thank you very much for taking the time to get to know a tiny bit about myself, most importantly taking the time to look at my work. If you want to know more please send me a message and I'll be happy to chat.


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